sustainability integration, disclosure, csr and philanthropy
World-leading operational sustainability solutions across sectors at each step of the value chain.
There are means and incentives for companies to leave a positive legacy in places where they operate. EcoAdvisors works with clients to identify and maximize opportunities to do good (for people and the planet) while doing well (for profit). We support sustainability disclosure, biodiversity and carbon offset strategies; corporate sustainability policies; land, water and GHG management; and philanthropic programs.
Our services include:
Corporate sustainability strategy design and disclosure
Stakeholder and community engagement to ensure relevance and buy-in
Strategies to maximize positive and minimize negative environmental impact
Offset identification in space and time to leave a neutral or positive legacy
Conservation management needs assessments & developing local management capacity
Organizational values identification and sustainability tracking
Long-term financing and management to ensure lasting conservation in perpetuity
EcoAdvisors conducts all of this work in close partnership with our clients and using a rights-based approach with associated communities and stakeholders.
Featured Clients:
For BHP (Petroleum, Copper Group), EcoAdvisors supported the development and execution of philanthropic environmental investments (i.e. including in the Valdivian Coastal Reserve - see video), compensatory actions, and strategic guidance for offset design and implementation at mine sites in select geographies, as referenced in this Sustainability Report.
For the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM), EcoAdvisors provided expert review on environmental guidance documents pertaining to biodiversity assessment and the mitigation hierarchy.

INVESTment |
sustainability financing,
structuring and impact investing
Driving investment and creating financial products for profit, people and the planet.
Investment options that are both profitable and impactful are inherently sustainable and provide a way to achieve impact at scale. EcoAdvisors works with clients and partners to structure finance, screen investments and ensure social and environmental impact all while generating competitive returns. We work to manage risk and meet financial targets while increasing flows of capital to sustainability.
​At EcoInvestors Capital, our sister company, we are using our deep knowledge in this space and our vast network to create a full-service Investment Management firm to help well-intentioned investors gain awareness of and access to credible investments that are measurable, validated and scalable.
Our services include:
Advising on mission aligned investment strategies ​and impact portfolios to generate and evaluate social and environmental return
Designing impact funds, SME pipeline development
ESG screening
Identifying and conducting diligence for triple bottom line private investments
Supporting the design of loan agreements with financial incentives for good practices
Developing large-scale projects for development banks
Leveraging non-traditional resources for conservation and development through innovative economic models
Establishing well-governed and sustained revenue streams
Providing oversight and governance to ensure long-term success
In partnership with pfc social impact and supported by the Walton Family Foundation, EcoAdvisors contributed to Make Money Matter: Expanding Impact Investing for Sustainable Oceans, Fisheries, and Livelihoods report to help ensure finance with purpose finds its way to oceans, fisheries, and community livelihoods. We hope this report will inform and inspire action that will foster a more sustainable, vibrant ocean economy that serves people and the planet.
Other Featured Clients:
For the CLME+ Project, supported by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), EcoAdvisors created a baseline inventory of existing and potential sustainable blue finance investors to support a healthy marine environment and the development of a sustainable Blue Economy for large marine ecosystems in the Caribbean and North Brazil shelf.
For The Nature Conservancy, EcoAdvisors conducted a global analysis of sustainable financing solutions for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC)-led conservation initiatives that examines the financial capacity needed for IPLCs to effectively steward their natural resources.
For Finance in Motion's eco.business Fund, a fund that provides financing to banks to support local enterprises delivering social and environmental benefit in Latin America and the Caribbean, EcoAdvisors developed an impact diligence tool to help identify potential investments that comply with the mission of the fund.
For the Global Environment Facility (GEF), EcoAdvisors provided review of all conservation trust fund (CTF) investments, and analysis & recommendations for GEF6.

strategy development, program oversight, technical support and evaluation
Building robust, multi-partner sustainability programs for impact and lasting benefit.
Protecting terrestrial landscapes and marine systems is good for conservation and the climate; ensuring their durability is even better. The challenges of securing a sustainable future require us to work efficiently and collectively. EcoAdvisors' global connectivity helps bring clients and partners together to develop mission aligned, impactful strategies with well-managed systems, sufficiently financed programs, and monitoring, evaluation and learning. We specialize in creating and strengthening partnerships between non-traditional, complementary allies.
Our services include:
Prioritizing and selecting important areas for protection
Developing mission aligned programs that are based on thoughtful and pragmatic standards, diligence, tools and processes
Understanding tenure, rights, market potential for environmental assets and addressing threats and opportunities at site and network scales
Establishing and nurturing innovative partnerships to advance sustainability
Developing plans for engagement, human rights, communications and marketing
Building management capacity for immediate and long-term needs
Supporting management, financial, and business planning
Structuring long-term financing and mobilizing resources
Designing long-term governance, monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Providing oversight and governance to ensure long-term success
Featured Clients:
For the Peter Gilgan Foundation, EcoAdvisors helped develop an environmental grantmaking strategy consistent with family priorities.
For the BHP Foundation, EcoAdvisors provides support -- as a strategic advisor, liaison and trusted partner -- in all aspects of the development, implementation and oversight the Environmental Resilience Global Signature Program.
For the Walton Family Foundation, EcoAdvisors has been aiding the development of conservation trust funds to support the long-term financing of marine protected areas in Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica within the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) through various roles ranging from builder – of enduring structures and governance mechanisms, mobilizer – of leveraged resources, innovator – of new revenue streams to support lasting conservation, and client representative on boards to help ensure enduring conservation successes in these critical places. We also work with Conservation International and their partners to help secure management, and structure and leverage funds for the ETPS.
For the Walton Family Foundation, EcoAdvisors has conducted an assessment of six fisheries and a range of interventions to help protect water resources and support healthier ecosystems in this Building Climate-Resilient Fisheries report.
EcoAdvisors team members helped author Conservation Agreements: Relational Contracts with Endogenous Monitoring, which examines the structure and performance of conservation agreements used across the world to protect natural resources (published in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization).

government |
environmental policy, regulations, program design and public finance
Equipping the public sector with processes, tools and strategies to integrate conservation, climate resilience and sustainability finance
There is a collective responsibility when it comes to guiding the economy towards growth while continuing to provide effective services to citizens. Sustainability can be reflected and integrated throughout processes and execution of policies, regulations, funding programs and public finance to generate cost savings and ensure effective and equitable growth, resilience and service delivery to communities.
Our services include:
Conducting options assessment and prioritization of transaction tools that can be applied to nature conservation
Stacking environmental asset classes (e.g., mitigation credits, carbon, water payment, etc.)
Building sustainable finance strategy that could leverage public funds and fill financial gaps
Developing legislative and regulatory policy for sustainability
Supporting portfolio development, integration, oversight, technical contributions, financial leverage and success management
Promoting indigenous stewardship, entrepreneurship and reconciliation
Identifying and addressing organizational and institutional capacity constraints
Designing government incentive programs for sustainable development
Facilitating conservation partnerships between communities, the private sector, and government
Featured Clients:
For Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Pathway to Target 1 Challenge fund, EcoAdvisors has advised the development of this national conservation funding program.
For Colombia Sostenible, EcoAdvisors is an advisor to the High Level Advisory Committee to the President. Building a Sustainable Colombia in Peace initiative takes a systemic approach to addressing climate change, social inequality and post conflict challenges built on the sustainable development goals.
For the International Finance Corporation, EcoAdvisors developed case studies of innovative private sector financing transactions for biodiversity conservation.